Autumn meeting of the KNVM section Mycology


Save the date!
On Friday 24th of November, the autumn meeting of the section Mycology will be held at the Westerdijk Institute in Utrecht starting at 10.00.
The meeting is entitled: “Fungal anarchy – do fungi obey the rules of the game?
The genomics era has led to many surprises in mycology: genome data show that during fungal evolution there has been hybridisation and introgression and many instances of horizontal gene transfer. Those developments have recently sometimes been interpreted as that fungal genes and genomes are ‘anarchistic’, i.e. not obeying the rules of inheritance and individuality derived by classical genetics. Is this new view correct? Is our understanding of fungal life cycles and fungal individuality up to date? Are the standard ‘textbook life cycles’ – based on a few model species – representative for other species? How frequent are exceptions to the standard ‘rules of the game’? A variety of subjects is covered by excellent speakers
Lunch will be free! Registration helps us to estimate how many lunches we need to order. To register, send an email to
The more detailed program of the meeting will be flashed to you soon! Hanna Johannesson of Stockholm University has agreed to give a lecture
Regards,the section mycology team (Arthur, Aurin, Duur, George, Ida, Jan)
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